
Wednesday, May 11, 2005

"The European style of basketball is a lot more ball movement, a lot of player movement like in soccer," Mike D'Antoni

When I was growing up in Milan, I used to go see plenty of Basketball games... My home team was one of the best in Europe and I saw players like Daryl Dawkins, Benoit Benjamin, Vinny Del Negro and Bob Macadoo. Danny Ferry also created controversy by forgoing the NBA for more money and less games.
There was one player in the 80's who was above the others, one of the best point guards in the world and always graceful and full of surprises... I saw him play and I saw him coach, he won almost everything possible, championships, cups both as a player and as a coach.
He will always remain in my heart for with him a have suffered and rejoiced many many times...
Mike D'Antoni is now on the way to winning and NBA title as head Coach of the Phoenix Suns and I am extremely proud of this Italian American once called "Arsenio Lupin" for his graceful ways in stealing balls and running the "Parquet". He has been nominated Coach of the Year by his peers and is now working with one of my best friends' friend in making the Phoenix franchise the best in the country.
Absent my NY Knicks I have ound a team to root for and mainly because of Mike... So thank you Mike for all the dreams Past and present

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