
Thursday, April 24, 2003

Hurricanes or Handgrenades? aaah the dilemmas of life

Most people who have been to New Orleans know about the ubiquitos drinking that goes on in the French Quarter. Upon reaching my destination I too partook in the local tradition (when in Rome...) so here goes... after a couple of Hurricanes( the local red drink) we discovered the best drink around aptly named the Handgrenade... it is a very strong concoction of grain alcohol, grain alcohol, melon flavor and (yes you guessed it ) grain alcohol. very tasty and very strong they come in a green plastic container shaped like a grenade and decorated with a small squrtable grenade. All you have to do is buy one and walk up and down Bourbon street about fifty times and just keep drinking... if you happen to do this at night you may encounter women showing their breasts for beads and that is the best way to down your drink .. it reminds me of Frank Zappa's philosophy of titties n' beer

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

The world is my Oyster.....or better there are Oysters in my turtle soup.

I had set out to Louisiana with a culkinary mission which involved Turtle soup, Alligator, Muffuletta and Andouille sausage (JD if I forgot something remind me).... and I discovered a world of oysters.... On Bourbon street there sits a place named Desire where Kantrell and Anthony shuck oysters all day long, the biggest, plumpest, tastiest, cheapest oysters I ever had.... Never mind that Anthony works two jobs to buy braces for two of his children in Inglewood California... Never mind that Kantrell must be a relative of Mike Tyson because he sounds like him and only half of what he says is discernible... Desire is the Oyster bar to go to because it's just desireable!!!

Monday, April 21, 2003

Promises and excuses

I know I promised a Blog today but I'm really busy and the computer is being used by all my co-workers and I'm really busy and my dog ate my homework and the cat peed on it and I really couldn't make it to school because my sister had her elbow attached to her knee in a freak accident and I was the only one who could pick up the phone and dial 911... so I'll write about New Orleans, Anthony and Kantrell, Jaded JD's antics, his wife's antics, Handgrenades and Hurricanes beads and boobs and Rick's cabaret tomorrow....

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