
Friday, November 08, 2002

Whatever games are played with us, we must play no games with ourselves. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr. NoSuch (wow twice in one day!) has a post about online gaming with a whole bunch of links and discussion on why people play online games... it's quite interesting and I suggest if you have time read the different links and comments .. it's a little bit of insight on why people play online games and why people blog

just thought you'd like to know
Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. Pablo Picasso

Little did he know...

so how is everybody doing today .. I for one am happy that it's friday ... I plan to do absolutely nothing although my wife will not be too happy about that ... then I did promise to take her to K-Mart to look for a piece of furniture... so maybe we'll do that but afterwards it's all relaxing .. all the time....

I was having a drink with Roger last night and i thought it would be nice to add a survey of the week button to my Blog.. then I thought that I have no clue how to even change the sidebars of my template let alone add a nifty feature like a survey or a trivia question maybe if i ask Mr. NoSuch he will help me .. oh I hope so I really do.

On another note I have to stop spending my lunch hour at tower records because I end up wanting to spend money i don't have and skipping lunch especially since the whole Miles Davis catalogue is on sale for 9.99 and it's all remasters!!!! (oh my wife wouldn't be happy)

anywho happy friday to all of youse and I'll catch you later

Thursday, November 07, 2002

Someone must know

Someone must know what the future holds for us. Someone must have the key to unlock those secrets.. I mean how come progress has made giant strides in the past and slowed down now? We know that it's not forever but if everything is slowing down is there a reason?
Science Fiction writers even in the 50's envisioned a different world than the one we have now... is someone scared that one day the sun will explode and doesn't want to tell us? I'll tell you my biggest phobia ... I'm afraid we'll lose all the drinking water just the thought makes me cringe...
then again do we have a choice? and if we do... is it too late to get off the bus?

food for thought

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

There is no safety in numbers, or in anything else. James Thurber

I was just checking the traffic on this site and I was thinking ok I have 11 readers .. then I thought actually 10 cause I'm one of the 11 so now I want more traffic and I want to know who the poor 10 people are actually I know about 3 for sure so who are the other 7?

tell me tell me tell me
It's not the voting that's democracy; it's the counting. Tom Stoppard

Today is Election Day in the United States and a lot of politicians are scrambling for new jobs....

that said... I will now delight you in song ... taken from an old songbook of mine I will now singa song for your delectable ears.....

then again maybe not ... I was thinking of something to put here today but I completely forgot so that's why you get all this...

Ramble on

Monday, November 04, 2002

I can remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty. George Burns

This to satisfy my friends curiosity.... Topic of the week:

Porn...Good or Bad? Art or Smut? Beneficial or Detrimental? I eagerly await your answers also

Survey who is the greatest Adult film star ever? Mail and Female.... my personal choices Gabriel Pontello (French Sex stud) and Olinka (Marilyn Monroe Lookalike)
Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life. Bertolt Brecht

This will tie in to the weekend and to my really eerie and awkward dream....

The weekend... we went to visit the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia. Every Year this really old landmark prison turns into a haunted prison for a few weekend nights .. where you go through the different blocks and actors made up as crazy inmates try to run after you and scare you... It was interesting but not that scary because it was very crowded and the group ahead of you would kinda spoil your surprise ... The actors were good they chase you , sniff you, talk to you but they can't touch you and if you touch them they kick you out... certainly an interesting experience that could've been better if it didn't have that amusement park haunted house feel and was more like inmates in cells slinging stuff at you....

The dream... In my last R.E.M. this morning I dreamt Bruce Springsteen was dead... I ended up commiserating with Billy Joel and some of his roadies and then I was scrambling to find out if this guy I knew was with him and I ended up at my late grandmother's house for coffee... needless to say I woke up with the sinking feeling of sadness as the dream was so true...

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