
Monday, April 19, 2004

It's only Rock n'Roll .....But I like it, like it yes I do! Nanker/Phelge

Ok now a little Recap from the last few weeks. It all started in March when I ended up going to Manchester, England for my niece's christening. I stayed at some friends house, drove on the wrong side of the street tried to stop my father from getting into more than one car accident and drove this car That's probably the closest I'll ever get to a Mercedes by the way. Returning through Amsterdam I got ready for my last week at work in New York and for the first of 3 road trips to Raleigh.

The three road trips were

1) to take posession of my appartment and stop in DC to visit Paul Roe. This was done with the assistance of Rockin' Roger and a few good tunes. 20 plus hrs of driving in less than 48

2) to bring down more furniture and such and to have daddy dearest see the premises and spend some money on his child 3 days also 20 hrs of driving but alternate drivers.

3) to finally start work 10.5 hrs a pitstop for lunch in DC and lots of Rain in Virginia!!!

Now I'm in the Crab Orchard wearing suits and putting on my best ass kissing look for the members of the club I work at.

I'm not used to standing on my feet for long periods of time anymore but I'll get there.

The area energizes me every morning, the southern hospitality the people teh beautiful women on the streets and the fresh unpolluted air really get me going. If only I could find motivation now to fix the appartment up a little more and to do laundry.

I can now cook in a Kitchen that is worthy of its name and can sip a beer on a patio while watching the people go by.

All in all I might even lose my edge but it's worth every minute and penny of time.

Now that I'm in the South I expect more visitors and I look forward to entertain. The wife will move in a few months I'm kinda living the Bachelor life ... you know movies beer and Playstation!!!.

I have a library nearby that has free internet and it's open early so I can come and Blog for your pleasure.

Til then any questions should be directed to the comment line and any suggestions should be kept in one's mind and as my friend Gilli says " Welcome to a Brave New World

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