
Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song. Pope John Paul II

As I write again today it is with immense sadness about the passing of Pope John Paul the II.
He was the one I grew up with and as much as I might have disagreed with soem of his ideas, he was truly the Pope of the 21st Century. So a moment of silence for him and let's hope the next one will be a little less conservative.


"There are only two places in the league - first place and no place." Tom Seaver

Yes it is here again whether you're a fan of the Yonkies, The Mets or the Arkansas Travelers Baseball is back and stronger than ever and I for one rejoice in the fact I can watch any team I want any time they are playing.

In other news...

How about them Tar heels huh? We were crazy busy and it was overall a good night....

Why did the Chicken cross the road?

well to get to the Perdue factory of course.... Oddly enough the same day we lost the Pope we lost another visionary. Frank Perdue died after a short illness. he was 84 the same age as John Paul the II.

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