Monday, March 17, 2003
Lesbian Porn is like a jam sandwich without the jam....unless tehy explode in all their lesbonics. Jeff Murdock
Ok I'm guilty I haven't written much but with all the cold weather and the snow I haven't really felt too inspired.... well now I am ... It's about 70 degrees outside and the 2003 spring/summer collection is starting to roam the streets of NYC. My dear friend Jaded JD (who also happens to be my lawyer in case I get sued for anything) is a firm advocate of flowery short summer dresses and would really love it in the city right now... I spent the day in Brooklyn and everywhere I looked I thought : "would Jaded like her?" and the answer would always be yes.
and now a word from our sponsor
I was watching Coupling a while ago and during a commercial break I watched and ad for Trojan condoms... absolutely normal you'd say especially for a show about six friends who talk about sex all the time but here's the tricky part which just boggles me the Trojan commercial was followed by one advertising the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints... go figure!
New show alert #1
Family Business on Showtime is a phenomenal look into the adult film industry. It chronicles the life of Adam, his mother, his cousin (all three work together) and also his relationship with his 7 year old son... well Adam is none other than Seymour butts Adult film star and director extraordinaire and the show is a reality show into his everyday life... it sure beats reruns of friends! So if you happen to have Showtime it's on friday's at 11.30 PM and if you have Showtime on demand which is free in certain areas of the US catch the first four episodes and don't be afraid to watch them back to back.
New show alert #2
I am a self professed video junkie .. you show me a screen and I'll start watching, however I find it harder every day to find something that's entertaining and innovative (I usually resort to reruns of double dare and GUTS on the GAS network) enter Ali G the man who asked Boutros Boutros Ghali if he thought that Disneyland or even Disneyworld would one day enter the UN. Ali is a Jewish British Comedian who acts like a kid from South Central all dressed up in ghetto clothes and all golded up (lots of gold chains and rings) he is hilarious in his interviews ranging from Boutros Ghali to Newt Gingrich or even Buzz Aldrin "So was you Jealous when Louis Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon?". He also has a few carachters like the man from Khazakhstan who is discovering America and learns about etiquette in the south then asks a lovely old lady if she would like to meet his prostitute sister. Definitely an HBO show to watch!
War!...Huh!... What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!... Say it again!
Well it seems like it's going to happen President Bush is set to address the nation Tonight at 8 PM asking Saddam to go on an extended vacation somewhere. we'll see what happens....
on a lighter note
I am today the proud uncle of a Baby Girl... Isabella Roo was born today in Manchester England... the parents are said to be very happy. The 4 year old sister very Jealous... we'll see... and also Happy Birthday to my friend and co-worker Michelle who turns 31 today
Ok I'm guilty I haven't written much but with all the cold weather and the snow I haven't really felt too inspired.... well now I am ... It's about 70 degrees outside and the 2003 spring/summer collection is starting to roam the streets of NYC. My dear friend Jaded JD (who also happens to be my lawyer in case I get sued for anything) is a firm advocate of flowery short summer dresses and would really love it in the city right now... I spent the day in Brooklyn and everywhere I looked I thought : "would Jaded like her?" and the answer would always be yes.
and now a word from our sponsor
I was watching Coupling a while ago and during a commercial break I watched and ad for Trojan condoms... absolutely normal you'd say especially for a show about six friends who talk about sex all the time but here's the tricky part which just boggles me the Trojan commercial was followed by one advertising the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints... go figure!
New show alert #1
Family Business on Showtime is a phenomenal look into the adult film industry. It chronicles the life of Adam, his mother, his cousin (all three work together) and also his relationship with his 7 year old son... well Adam is none other than Seymour butts Adult film star and director extraordinaire and the show is a reality show into his everyday life... it sure beats reruns of friends! So if you happen to have Showtime it's on friday's at 11.30 PM and if you have Showtime on demand which is free in certain areas of the US catch the first four episodes and don't be afraid to watch them back to back.
New show alert #2
I am a self professed video junkie .. you show me a screen and I'll start watching, however I find it harder every day to find something that's entertaining and innovative (I usually resort to reruns of double dare and GUTS on the GAS network) enter Ali G the man who asked Boutros Boutros Ghali if he thought that Disneyland or even Disneyworld would one day enter the UN. Ali is a Jewish British Comedian who acts like a kid from South Central all dressed up in ghetto clothes and all golded up (lots of gold chains and rings) he is hilarious in his interviews ranging from Boutros Ghali to Newt Gingrich or even Buzz Aldrin "So was you Jealous when Louis Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon?". He also has a few carachters like the man from Khazakhstan who is discovering America and learns about etiquette in the south then asks a lovely old lady if she would like to meet his prostitute sister. Definitely an HBO show to watch!
War!...Huh!... What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!... Say it again!
Well it seems like it's going to happen President Bush is set to address the nation Tonight at 8 PM asking Saddam to go on an extended vacation somewhere. we'll see what happens....
on a lighter note
I am today the proud uncle of a Baby Girl... Isabella Roo was born today in Manchester England... the parents are said to be very happy. The 4 year old sister very Jealous... we'll see... and also Happy Birthday to my friend and co-worker Michelle who turns 31 today