
Thursday, November 21, 2002

Tell your friend Veronica to put on her Yarmulke.. cause it's time to celbrate Channukah. Adam Sandler

...or how I learned of the existence of the Turducken

It is almost Thanksgiving and a friend of mine was telling me what her brother wanted for dinner on that day. She went on to explain that he wanted a Turkey stuffed with a duck stuffed with a chicken... needless to say I was amazed that such a thing existed.
Move to last night while I'm walking out of a bar to go meet my wife for dinner (excellent french food) I see a poster in the window advertising the bar's thanksgiving dinner in which they are serving Turducken which apparently is a New Orleans Thanksgiving staple.. so it exists ...

on a separate note... is it just me or major department stores and major advertising agencies have decided to skip Thanksgiving and start Christmas a little too early this year?

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