
Saturday, November 13, 2004

A person has three choices in life. You can swim against the tide and get exhausted, or you can tread water and let the tide sweep you away, or you can swim with the tide, and let it take you where it wants you to go.
Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider,Northern Exposure, Northern Lights, 1993

Is it the path one chooses that makes him who he really is? Or is it ones ability to go with the flow that shows us ones social status? In any event every day, every waking moment of our lives we are presented with choices and those are what make us who we are. We should always make the choice that makes us original we should learn to take risks and accept the reponsibility of those bad choices we make. I have to say I am not ashamed of any of the choices I made. Granted there are some of those that weren't too wise like when I decided to take my brother's car for a weekend joyride or when I risked my life climbing up a cliff to gain entrance to a dance club without paying. Nonetheless I've learned from them. Sometimes, however, I ask myself if I were to be faced with the same situations would I follow the same path? what if?........

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